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Embodied Dance Teacher Training
Welcome! (3:07)
Terms and Conditions
Module 1. Energy Systems and Embodied Anatomy- The Embodied Dance Method
The ELEMENTS - foundational concepts. Video 1: Earth and Air. Video 2: Water and Fire (96:51)
Class 1. Chakra 1 (71:18)
Journal Prompts
Class 2. Chakra 2 (74:12)
Journal Prompts
Class 3. Chakra 3 (64:39)
Journaling Promps
Module 2. Energy Systems and Embodied Anatomy continued- (Embodied Dance Method)
Class 4. Heart Chakra (78:38)
Journaling Prompts
Class 5. Throat Chakra (67:02)
Journaling Prompts
Class 6. Third Eye Chakra. (72:09)
Journaling Prompts
Intuition preferences
Class 7. Crown Chakra (73:36)
Class 8. Review of Teaching Points and Energy Balancing warmup (36:06)
Module 3. Body language and Limiting Beliefs- Releasing Self Sabotage in Movement Forms
Week 1: Collard Method (76:16)
Week 2: Body Language Continued (47:32)
Week 3: Movement Preferences (58:36)
Basic anatomy points/overview (39:31)
Module 4. Communication/ Learning Styles and Embodied Leadership
Class 1 Right and Left Brain learning (26:02)
Class 2: Seven Learning Styles (39:52)
Class 3: Cueing in the Simonson style (33:47)
Dance and Neuroscience Class (78:17)
Module 5: Personal Choreography Making
Manual: Module 8
Class 1: Basic Foundations and Methods (48:17)
Class 2: Creating YOUR personal choreography (73:27)
Group Choreography intimacy building exercises
Class 3: MANUAL~ Group choreography and collaborations
Group Choreography Video lesson (35:50)
Module 7: Embodied Leadership
Class 1: Embodied leadership~ Boundaries and safe space (45:50)
Class 2: Giving Corrections in class (49:10)
Class 3: Teaching values, Bio and class descriptions (26:13)
Class 4: Putting Your Class Together (65:50)
Developing a Personal practice video (22:26)
Module 8: World Dance~ Dance as Personal Power
Class 1: Intro to World Dance: Native American Ghost Dance and Maori Haka (55:58)
Class 2: Flamenco (48:01)
Class3: Capoiera with Vika Hernandez (67:03)
Mod 9: SOUND and working with Themes/ Performance
Class 1: Basics of Sound Healing and application (31:38)
Class 2: Performance concepts (47:22)
Intro to counting music (11:42)
Module 10: Warm up Samples
Part 1: General warm up in Modern Contemporary style dance (19:31)
Earth- floorwork practice (18:06)
Air- Plie and swings (12:31)
Certification Requirements
Submit a two- three page written document of your teaching approach, niche and the offerings you intend to provide.
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Class 2: Giving Corrections in class
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