For the quiet rebel who is ready to birth their sacred work and know they work best with 1:1 support.

There are THREE make or break pieces needed to cultivate lasting success:

1.Support to navigate the roadblocks of the ego and subconscious mind that keep you stuck, feeling like an imposter or not good enough.

2.The STRUCTURE to know what to start with, what to implement, how and in what order.

3.Having a MENTOR who has been where you want to go, who can VISION new possibilities with you and pave the way for a road you haven't been able to travel alone.

Hi, I'm Allison.
I am a full time business owner of EMBODIED DANCE. It is both my life purpose and greatest joy. Yet, it took me YEARS to streamline what I needed to put together to make this my full time income. I have learned so much I'd like to share with you so you don't have to suffer the learning curves I once did.
Once I left my job as a college professor, I have tripled my income in the last 3 years.

I'd love to show you what's possible and support you to align with your UNIQUE path of service, fulfillment and abundance.

My superpower is that I've also worked in the Healing Arts for 23 and can masterfully support you to shift out of subconscious sabotage with Inner Child Healing and Shamanic Soul Retrieval.

I have been trained to work in the multidimensional fields and can gracefully lead you through some of your deepest subconscious blocks as well as clearning energetic implants/distortions that are preventing you from being in your true power.

We then reconnect you to your highest timeline so that your energetic field is a fine tuned match for your desires. This approach is held with the highest integrity; in alignment to Source/ Creator/God. The results are powerful and lasting.

It is my greatest honor to SEE the gems you hold, while crafting your MISSION alongside you!

This Mentorship is for:

*The quiet rebels who desire a NEW way forward, who know they are not menat to follow in anothers footsteps.
They know their vision must come from birthing and implementing it.

*Highly creative and highly sensitive enterprenuers who have too many ideas and need support to narrow their passions into a fulfilling niche.

*Those who sense patterns of stuckness and disconnection in their approach to their work, but feel unable to move through it on their own.

*Those who benefit being held through their deepeest and most profound transformations while streamlining their mission and path of service.


Watch this short video for a brief description of each module in the included course, IMPACT to INCOME.

You also receive lifetime access to IMPACT to INCOME, a course I specifically created for the up and coming enterpreneur who has the passion and skills, but lacks direction and doesn't know how to piece together their work to become a fulfilling success.

We work together one on one alongside the IMPACT to INCOME course to:


What are your strengths, expertise and unique gifts? What is possible to create from your hearts desire? What is your soul blueprint in service to? How do you embody the TRUTH, VOICE and POWER of your service at this time


This is perhaps the most important make or break of your success.

I walk you through the most powerful healing methods that rewire your pattering, stories and magnetism so you can be attracting who and what's most aligned for your mission.

This involves an energetic clearing process that clears patterns at the ROOT.

Once you have walked through the old stories and integrated these lessons IN YOUR BODY, they cease to interrupt your pathway to success.


The Impact to Income course that gives you all the details you need to find your niche, grow an organic audience, build your unique offerings... while getting out of your own way to make a full time income doing work you love.

These are the methods I have used to implememnt and grow my brand over the last four years that were a huge prt of my streamlined success.

Here's what's covered inside the course:


Module 1:

Understanding the story and values that make you unique and an expert in what you do.

 Crafting and honing the pieces of your unique soul work.

Identifying what’s standing in the way and clearing it!

Letting go of the unconscious story or baggage preventing you from committing to you!

Module 2:

Discover your niche and soul mate clients.

Create your offer. Discover who your perfect students/clients are and why YOU are the one to serve them.

Detail and map out a unique signature offer that offers the best of what you do that serves their needs.


Module 3:

The simplest and most effective zero cost MARKETING STRATEGIES and creating compelling content.

Finding your dream clients online without spending a cent.

Module 4:

Creating a signature offer and pricing

Understanding the Value of Personal Transformation and prcing your services appropriately.

Module 5:  

Marketing without stress or feeling like an imposter. 

Organic connection to soul mate clients who undersdtand the value of what you do and are ready to work with you!

Module 6:

Structure and flow to eliminate burnout

Implementing automation.

Working with your unique body rhythm to craft a schedule that you are in love with and serves your greatest strengths.

Module 7:

The Art of Enrollment Calls- the conversation you need to master to invite clients/students to work with you.

No one like to think about sales, yet the crafting of this conversation is an absolute make or break in your business. How to invite your clients into deeper transformation to say yes to their longings.

Module 8:

Review and Implementation.

Positioning Yourself as the Expert.

Boundaries in business around time, clients.

Long term planning for your ongoing success

Module 9:

Releasing Money Blocks/ Abundance Template clearing and upgrade.

Money is an energy. We can have so many unconscious blocks and programmming to close down our ability to receive and hold abundance. This class walks you through both abundance blocks and a multidimensional clearing to realign with your highest timeline for abundance.


Energy Clearing Meditation to support your highest balance and alignment to step into your work without resistance.

Course Curriculum

  Welcome to IMPACT TO INCOME!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  1. Embodied Leadership and crafting your personal story- Your ‘WHY’
Available in days
days after you enroll
  2. Discover your Niche and Create a Free Offer
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3. Social Communities and Lead Generation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  4. Creating a signature offer and pricing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  5. Marketing Without Stress and writing Magnetic Content
Available in days
days after you enroll
  6: Systems to simplify your business. Body Rhythm Schedule
Available in days
days after you enroll
  7. Mastering the Art of Enrollment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  8. Healing Abundance
Available in days
days after you enroll
  9. Your Vision and Setting Yourself Up for Long Term Success
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Ongoing support
Available in days
days after you enroll


"I have taken away more than I can list here.

As I embrace the wisdom of our sessions, I feel a massive shift taking place. 

What I know to be true:

Embodiment is a way of living.

It’s a way to keep coming back into the body, back to my sacred home.

I get to examine the stories that have been stored deep inside my body. I discovered that I have been blessed to rewrite these stories, and design ones that weave together a beautiful life journey full of hope and meaning through the struggles.

We don’t need to stay stuck.

Allison is a most remarkable teacher. Her method is much like the dance of life…mystical, resonant, graceful…rich with Truth. Allison is a beam of light and her gifts are extraordinary.

-M.O, NY


"I decided to join Allison’s program because I felt a strong resonance with her articulations on the world & and what is needed at this time from healers & creatives. I was drawn to her bright, empowering energy. At the time in my life, I felt called to share my work in a new way and was craving support & guidance to get it going.​

What I enjoyed most about working with Allison was her precisely intuitive understanding of what to guide me through.

She always knew exactly what I needed & could guide me to discovering the answers within myself.

She helped me understand the worth of my work & how to repeatedly affirm that to myself, believing it from a deep instinctual place.

I would recommend working with Allison if you are feeling stuck, confused, or uncertain on how to best offer your work to the world. She will help you develop a concrete plan while energetically clearing blocks along the way.

Allison is absolutely incredible & can help you in miraculous ways"

-Morgan, NY


"It’s not only a training or a a course.

It’s a deep transformative process with a 1:1 support of Allison, which is invaluable.

You receive information and experiences of such different techniques (you might have never heard of) which has a massive impact on your attitude of what is possible for you.

As you understand your own inner processes deeper and apply the new tools you’ve learned, you will be able to provide dramatically different qualities for your clients.

Even if you are only considering starting this career- as I did at the beginning – you will be able to take the quantum leap of offering your work – as I did – with proper skills and from the bottom of your heart"

A.B. Hungary 

Investment Options:

This includes LIFETIME access to the 9 module course, Impact to Income and

14 private sessions with Allison.

$6900 Paid in Full

(Receives an additional month of coaching included)!!


4 payments of $1725

"Allison has a tremendous gift for knowing exactly what is needed for someone to recover their true potential and gifts.

She is a gifted channel to hold tremendous space for healing on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic, karmic, lineage and beyond aspects of the person in front of her.

Her ability to see beyond the veil is above and beyond any healer or teacher I have come across.

Our working together was perfect timing and magnificent beyond words.

I have known Allison for over 20 years and her offerings, development and abilities never cease to amaze me.

Enter if you dare to seek your greatness"

-Kelly, NY