If you'd like to improve your health, radiance, essence, ability to discern what is right for you, hold boundaries, feel safe and be more INTIMATELY connected to yourself, your relationships and all of life- THROUGH DANCE, this is the course FOR YOU!

“Emotion is the chief source of all becoming conscious. There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion.”   

                -C.G. Jung

“Embody Your Dance was born out of a time of deep healing; when I felt the most lost, confused and estranged from myself, my relationships and life. This work taught me, from the inside out, what it is to truly be embodied, to truly feel self love, to truly tap into the wisdom and support of the Creator.

This practice gave me my life back and put me on a lifelong quest of discovering how people heal and what it means to accept and express all parts of you without shame or judgment.

This experience will take you on a sacred ride of your own embodiment through movement; acknowledging the unexpressed stories and the unclaimed parts of you waiting to be known, lived.

Each time you do the course, it will be different; as it is for me, each time I run through these practices.

Here is a lifetime tool of your most sacred becoming into your truest self.

I can’t wait to share the journey with you”

-Allison, creator Embodied Dance


Those who feel stuck, not good enough, disconnected from the body, and out of touch with your authentic truth, presence and expression.
If you are on a path of leadership and need the inside power to get there.
Dancers and artists- who wish to enhance performance qualities and deepen into their authentic expression. 
Healers who are looking to deepen and explore their own healing process and receive new tools in serving their clients.
Those on a mind/body journey who want more intimacy, self trust, freedom and authentic power in how they show up in the world, in their work and relationships.
If you are looking to experience more focused energy, freedom, intimacy and power in your expression that translates into every part of your life, this is for you!

How it works:

We Deep Dive into the energetic body through the chakras, layer by layer and lovingly uncover the thoughts and emotions keeping you stuck.
We use a simple process to uncover what is available to process and dance to release and rewire the old patterns and stories ready to release.
Shedding old skin, layer by layer and birthing something new, that reflects more of our true selves.
We support our new selves with authentic empowerment designed to awaken you to dormant parts of yourself so that you can shine and embody the leadership you are meant to. (This looks like self love, self trust and moving from the heart, not the head). Creating new routines and rituals that uniquely serve and inspire you to step into what is most meant for you at this time.


More freedom and ease in the body, deepened connection to intimacy, better understanding and boundaries in relationships, clearer focus, building leadership skills, unshakable confidence, overcoming the fear of not being good enough and new goals to get you moving out of a rut.
A deepened relationship with your body, a lifetime of tools you can come back to.  

“I developed these methods 20 years ago, at a time in my life that I felt like a stranger in my own body. These were the very methods I used to both free myself from limitation and trauma while rewiring what is possible. I am the person I am today because of the life I reclaimed through these processes… and I can’t wait to share them with you!” -Allison, creator of Embodied Dance

“When you change the relationship with yourself, every relationship you have changes”

How the course runs/ What you get:

Seven, 60-90 minute video training sessions.
Meditation, journeying, journaling and discussion followed by an embodied movement exploration that is personal to you. Each class includes: Channeled Meditations and archetypal embodiment with deep dives into each energetic center. The course container is a catalytic tool to support your quickest, most easeful energetic transformation.
One private sessions with Allison.
You will receive uniquely personalized support to help you restructure your movement habits from the inside out as well as guidance to clear and heal any issues that arise in your body through deeper methods such as inner child reclamation and/or soul retrieval. We work to balance and transform patterns and stuckness into deeper states of intimacy, freedom and aliveness.
Mindful Workbook questions each week for your personal practice, discovery and embodiment that allow you to work deeply with your energetic system and clear out the beliefs that are preventing you from being in your full truth and alignment.

*Bonus class:

Energy Balancing Warmup

through the chakras.


"When we recognize and release what’s limiting us in body and mind, we are free”

“Before I began this course I didn't realize that I was not allowing myself to take more space in my life.

 I found this course and my first thought was movement and chakras will be fun, but I am not sure how this will work online…

 I knew I needed something and I love Allison’s energy since I have been taking her dance classes. 

As the course began, I started to feel things release inwardly. 

Emotions, not always the pretty ones, would come up and I felt a release and space in my body.

Every week that went by I began to feel my movements got bigger and I was more confident. It was only at the end of the course a few days later that I realized how much has moved inwardly and outwardly for me. 

This course was like a pebble that got thrown in the water and the ripple effects in my life were big and still are big. I would have never imagined an online course with movement to feel this way!

I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is looking to expand their inner life and confidence. To be really seen and heard is so important to all of us and this course really helped me hold that path for myself. 


Allison, you were like a gentle wind that came in and guided me and reminded me to be aligned with my best self. I am grateful for you, thank you.

-Dana, NY

“I would recommend the course to anyone who wants to feel more at home in their body, more able to tune in to their intuition or anyone who senses that body connection is the way back to self.

I’m moving forward with clear methods (a daily ritual) to balance and restore my energy, resulting in a strong foundation for growth, action and creativity.

I now understand the need to carefully notice the messages my body is sending me, and crucially, how to work with them to unlock wisdom.

My intuitive self is revived.

-Bryony, UK

“Embody Your Dance came into my view at the perfect time. I knew this would be so nourishing as well as facilitating and supportive of the changes I was looking to make in myself, relationships and business direction. 

Breakthroughs came both in small pieces along the way and a couple of bigger moments where I felt very seen and very vulnerable working with the material and Allison.

I received beautiful and affirming feedback regarding coming into my power, embracing my wisdom, leading with the heart and being ready to launch.

Lastly, I really enjoyed the format and even unexpectedly was OK with interacting via Zoom and was pleasantly surprised that substantial connections are possible doing this course online”

-Amy, NY


$1111 in full


Two payments of $600

Email me at embodieddanceproject@gmail.com to learn more and register.